Wiha’s Torque Control handles are certified EN ISO 6789, BS EN 26789, ASME B107.14M with a calibration life of 5,000 cycles per industry standard.
Wiha Tools Certified Torque handles are guaranteed for 1 year from date of purchase. If the handle becomes out of calibration within 1 year from date of purchase, refer to Wiha Tools No Hassle Guarantee. If your handle is past the 1 year from date of purchase Wiha Tools will replace your handle at a reduced cost. This service program is only available directly through Wiha Tools for end users.
The replacement cost is based on the type and model number of your handle. Shipping charges to Wiha Tools is the customer’s responsibility. Once the handle is received, you will be contacted for payment information. Payment must be by credit card only. Estimated lead time is about one to two weeks from receipt of handle.
For more replacement cost information call Torque Control customer service: 763-295-6591
Return Handle to:
Wiha ToolsAttn. Torque Control Service Program
516 E 7th St, Monticello, MN 55362
Please include the following information inside the return. A contact name, phone number, and shipping address.
Please do not send any accessories or blades. Return only the Torque Control Handle.
Thank you,
Wiha Tools